Thursday, November 17, 2011

On a Personal Note: Sovereignty


Just read a chapter on the sovereignty of God out of the book Overcoming Fear, Worry and Anxiety by my friend Elyse Fitzpatrick (planning on being friends in heaven, not currently friends).

Sovereignty is a big word but basically means that God is completely free to do whatever he wants. To some, this might sound scary but to me, I am learning how comforting that truth is because of who God is.

We know this:

God is perfectly wise. (Romans 16:27)

God is completely holy. (Revelation 4:8)

God is utterly loving. (1 John 4:8)

God is infinitely merciful. (Exodus 34:6-7)

He cannot cease to be these things because they are who he is.

I know this about myself:

I always think my plan is best (and often it turns out that it is, in fact, not)

I often make choices out of fear and self-preservation.

I want to be in control of myself and others.

I desire what is not best for me.

So, I found this chapter so comforting as it listed what God is ultimately in control of:

events, seasons, weather, lifespan, decisions, success, salvation, giftings, callings and even our sinful mistakes.

This week God gave me something back that he took away for a time.

When we left southern California, I left a half-completed master's degree program in which I was receiving my education 80% off the normal price.

This week, I visited a new school that I will (Lord willing) be attending this spring. The master's program I am joining is a much better fit than the previous one, I will be able to transfer my hours, and it will cost the same or less than what I was paying before.

He sees the big picture. He really knows what we need. And His timing is perfect.




  1. Amen! God's timing is hardly ever our timing, but His timing is so perfect because He can see the whole picture and always knows what is best for us. Best wishes on your classes!

  2. this campus looks like Stanford...but I could be husband did some work there ....Palo Alto I think the city is called...anyway I am probably completely wrong but anyway on a completely OTHER glad you found peace. He is the prince of important! and look at the big brain on you! Masters Degree! woot woo!

  3. Thanks, Lindsay!!
    Kelly, it isn't Stanford but I agree that it looks like it! It is actually Southeastern Seminary. I am working on a biblical counseling degree. Thanks for the encouragement! What did your husband do at Stanford?
