Thursday, July 7, 2011

On a Personal Note: Waiting on God


Today, Graham and I waited out an afternoon thunderstorm in the Target parking lot. I was not in the mood to get soaked and definitely not in the mood to run from our parking spot to the store entrance. As we sat there munching snacks in the car I thought about how much I have changed in the past few months. When I was working full time I would never have had the time or patience to wait in a parking lot for fifteen minutes. I would have felt the need to be accomplishing something. Having to wait for anything would make me almost frantic. But today, Graham and I did not have anywhere we needed to be; no agenda.

I found myself actually enjoying just sitting there watching clouds fly by and lightning strike (I counted seconds until thunder to figure out how close the storm was). I listened to Graham's munching sounds which made me giggle to myself. He is so deliberate in how he does things...just like Dad and not so much like his chaotic mom.

This made me think about how many times in Scripture we are told to wait on the Lord or to wait for the Lord. We also spend all of life waiting for something. We are waiting for Jesus to return, waiting to be with Christ forever, waiting to not struggle with sin, waiting to no longer cry.

How will I choose to wait?

Anxious? Frantic? Scared?

This is how I often wait for God.

But what if I actually enjoyed the waiting process of life.

What if I took pleasure in waiting for God to change me? What if I eagerly anticipated each morning how He would show Himself to me that day? What if I enjoyed the beauty of the process and didn't just long for the destination?

Waiting out that storm today was a moment with Graham. I hope I wait out life's storms savoring moments with Christ.

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