Monday, November 19, 2012

On a Personal Note: The trouble with saying "no"

A lot of people will say that the reason you may have trouble saying "no" to things or to people is because you are a "people-pleaser" who is trying to keep everyone happy.  This is obviously true for some but I guess I've never fully resonated with that because I definitely don't care about keeping everyone happy (a few people, yes, but not everyone) and I've always thought there was more behind the things I have trouble saying "no" to.
This weekend I realized that my trouble stems from admitting that I am limited in my time, resources and emotional energy--not even admitting that to someone else, but admitting it to myself!!

I have been reading the book of Romans and I'm reminded of my human neediness rooted in my sinful, human nature.  But more than that, I'm reminded of God's willingness to help in my weakness and cover that weakness with grace.  I've been credited with Jesus' righteousness, so I don't have to prove my own worthiness (which is not going to really happen anyway since I'm a bigger mess than I know or would like to admit).

I was hanging this artwork above our bed a couple of weeks ago that is a reminder of our wedding passage from Colossians 1-- He is before all things and in Him all things hold together...

He is to be my priority because it's who He is.  I really can't offer anything good apart from Him.
And he is the sustainer, holding all things together.  That's not my job and I certainly can't do it even if I wanted to.
So the pressure to "perform" or "do it all" is off.

Kind of relieving and very humbling at the same time.


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